Streepie se Objet Petit A
(Eng.) Stripey’s Object-Cause of Desire
An absurdist scene of a cat determined to obtain a hair tie, despite the threatening proximity to water. The quiet desperation of the scene is reminiscent of the antics of Tati or Sellers; a manifestation of Jerry Lewis’ famous quote, “Comedy is a man cat in trouble.”
short film (2:18 min)
Recent work
Fiction lends to architecture an alternative retelling. Taking as site a modernist church, the narrative recalls how the many voices of a congregation became autonomous from the bodies that housed them, occupying the building with their song. Sound becomes synonym for spectre; the voice recast as ghost. Ecstatic femme voices lead the dissent, accumulating in the upper reaches of the spire. By their haunting, the sopranos make apparent the hidden and disavowed alive within the space, resisting the ideologies that shaped it. Together with the Buone Nuove exhibition, the Architecture Film Summer School project is a tool to explore gender identity in relation to the space, in which we live and the one we design.
Short film
6:17 min
(In collaboration with Meghan Ho-Tong and Lucienne Bestall)